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zea mays

Monday, April 12, 2010

Amazing Tamales from the Mountains of Mexico

Ruth Reichl,  the former editor of Gourmet Magazine has a wonderful cooking show on your local PBS station. A recent visit to a Tepoztlán Culinary institute, Cocinar Mexico revealed an amazing recipe for Tamales stuffed with squash blossoms and diced summer squash. You can review the short video of the program which shows how people have been milling ancient strains of corn for masa.
Here is her amazing recipe for:


30 dried corn husks, preferably with rounded base.
8 oz (1 cup) pork lard (see cooks' note)
3 cups dry tamale flour, such as Maseca or Maseca for Tamales
1 teaspoon salt
2 cups warm water
2/3 cup corn oil
3/4 lb squash blossoms (in bunches on the stem as sold in Mexico 25 to 30 blossoms), or substitute 1 cup fresh corn kernels
3/4 lb zucchini, rinsed well and cut into 1/2-inch dice (3 cups)
Soak corn husks in cold water at least 30 minutes.

Beat pork lard in a standing mixer with whip attachment until very fluffy, 3 to 5 minutes.
Meanwhile knead together tamale flour, salt, and water in a large bowl until it forms a dough.
Add half of dough to pork lard and mix to combine. Add oil and remaining dough to bowl and beat on medium-high speed until it has the texture of a fluffy frosting and a tablespoonful floats in a glass of water, 10 to 15 minutes. (If you are using a hand held mixer double the beating times.) Season with salt to taste (mixture should taste slightly salty as salt will leach out during steaming).
If using zucchini flowers, break or cut off stems and side barbs around base of flower and coarsely chop blossoms.
Mix zucchini into tamale batter with your hands or a spatula, then gently stir in zucchini flowers (if using corn, add along with zucchini).
Drain corn husks.
Fill a corn husk with a heaping serving spoon of batter (about 1/3 cup) and enclose in husk, doubling pointed end over bottom half.  Repeat with remaining husks and fit, standing up with rounded ends up, into the deep steamer basket of a pasta pot. Bring water to a boil, then insert steamer basket and cover with additional corn husks, a plastic shopping bag, then a damp cloth and the lid. Steam tamales, adding more boiling water if necessary, until the tamale comes away from the husk when opened, 45 to 50 minutes.

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