zea mays

zea mays
zea mays

Tuesday, July 27, 2010


Elotes  ( Mexican Grilled Corn)
Serves 4
4 ears sweet corn in the husk
1/4 cup mayonnaise
1/2 teaspoon lime juice
1/8 teaspoon chile powder
salt, to taste
lime wedges

Soak corn (in husks) in cold water for 25-30 minutes.
Prepare a medium-hot grill. Peel back the corn husks but leave them attached. Place the ears on the grill. Cook 20-25 minutes, turning several times to ensure even roasting. The kernels should be soft and fully cooked. 

Remove corn from the grill,   allow to cool slightly and totally remove the husks. Place the ears directly on the grill  for another 5 minutes  until they  begin to char.

In a small bowl mix the mayonnaise, lime juice,  chile powder, and salt. When the corn is cooked, brush each ear with some mayo. Serve with lime wedges, and a sprinkle of chile powder

If you don't have a grill you can roast the corn in the oven. Place the corn in a preheated oven set  to 350 degrees F  and put corn in husks  directly on a rack for 30 minutes, or until corn is soft to the touch.  Cool remove husks and add mayo/chile mixture.

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