zea mays

zea mays
zea mays

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Green Corn Ice Cream

  • 4 ears  of fresh corn, shucked and cut off the cob
  • 2 cups whole milk
  • 2 cups heavy cream
  • 3/4 cup sugar (white sugar please for color)
  • 9 large egg yolks
  • small pinch of salt to bring out the flavor

Green corn is another name for young, "new corn". This dish can be made with that wonderful butter and sugar corn or white corn that is still available fresh in the farmer's markets for another few weeks.  Select four tender ears of fresh corn and scrape off the kernels into a large pot. Don't throw away the cobs which have a lot of flavor but break them up and add them to pot.  Bring together 2 cups of whole milk, 2 cups of heavy cream and a scant half-cup of sugar (reserving 1/4 for later). Bring to a boil and discard the cobs.  Using a blender puree the corn kernels, cream, milk and sugar mixture. 
Put mixture back into the pot on a low simmer for a few minutes. In another bowl wisk  together 9 egg yolks. Add the remaining 1/4 cup of sugar.  Gently add about a cup of the corn/cream/milk mixture to the egg yolks tempering the mixture so it does not curdle. Combine both mixtures in the pot and cook over medium low hear for about ten minutes until it coats a spoon. You have made a yummy corn custard.

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